Rave Etiquette needs to be talked about in our scene more often to make these magical environments we love more comfortable for everybody! We all love attending a good rave, but when some people overstep boundaries or feel the need to do things that certainly aren’t okay, it can ruin one's entire night. Not only that; but it can negatively affect them long-term, it can distort the perspective they have on the entire Rave scene or electronic music events as a whole. We want to promote that these raves are safe and loving environments for all people - making Rave Etiquette more widely known can further help make these events even safer for ravers.
‘Peace, Love, Unity & Respect’ also known as P.L.U.R has been a phrase used in raves over the lifespan of dance music. Attending all raves with Peaceful intentions is a must - that’s what we all need when we come to these places to experience the music and be vulnerable amongst one another. Love, one of the strongest human emotions, is embedded in the scene because this is the core of what it’s all about. Unity amongst one another through our shared connection of the love of the music. Having unwavering respect for yourself and your fellow ravers makes the experience that much better for everyone around you.
As everybody comes from different walks of life and from different places, recognizing that we are all here because of our united love for Electronic music is beautiful. Respect amongst one another is crucial for everyone to enjoy their night. Having respect for your fellow ravers and surroundings is key to the ethos of PLUR and the rave scene. Respecting others' boundaries and physical space is something that should always be paramount. Stepping into people’s personal space without invitation and being overly aggressive in any way is certainly not warranted in the rave scene. Also remember to respect the space you’re in, not to vandalize property, and remembering to throw away garbage so that these spaces can continue to be used again is incredibly helpful.
At the Toronto Rave parties, mosh-pits are rather frequent and we want to be aware of keeping the mosh-pit near the front and be courteous of its boundaries as there are ravers that prefer not to be caught up in the mosh and continue to dance!
This is one of the most important rules in our scene and it needs to be more apparent to every raver that consent is needed before any sort of interaction with someone. Consent is never forced, and it is never coerced, incoherent people can not give consent, and absolutely anything other than yes, means NO. People attend these events for different reasons; some to release stress through dance, some for the music solely, and all of these people come together to create these unique and magical experiences. Please be aware of all the things mentioned in the article when attending your next party!
Keeping yourself protected can come in many ways, like protecting your hearing. With sound systems pushing massive amounts of low-end frequencies and high volumes, wearing earplugs is important for all attendees to keep your ears from any long-term damage like tinnitus, hearing loss, and more.
While substance use is not condoned by us, here are some resources that pertain to safe use and consumption.
Cover Photo by Jetlag